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Comprehensive virtual learning for today’s content marketing leaders.
ENROLL NOWCMI University is your hub for all things related to content marketing education and training – your one-stop shop to help you do your job better and more effectively.
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Enterprise brands and entire departments looking to hone their skills together, learning the same materials, as well as individuals wanting to advance their own practice of content marketing.
An all new 2024 curriculum: 6 courses from Robert Rose, plus 50+ hours of ancillary content from top industry leaders - all focusing on particular topics for a deeper dive.
How do you increase the likelihood of developing a realistic, achievable and effective Content Marketing strategy? You need something complete, focused on simplicity and immediate action, but that also creates a level of comfort with ambiguous things, the unsaid, and the partial knowledge.
You’re already “doing content” and left unchecked you’ll slowly move not toward failure – but worse – toward average. How do you and your team over-index and actually create a content marketing strategy that outperforms others?
Your content marketing is not a formula – but it can be created with a solid foundation that allows for the unknown and what will be discovered. 免费分享美国苹果AppStore id 账号 - 威锋 - 千万果粉大本营:2021-11-6 · 本帖最后由 ssrou 于 2021-12-27 14:24 编辑 已下载小火箭等付费软件 众下是免费分享美国苹果AppStore id 账号(亲测可用) 账号 密码:Ssr3375124988
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